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Parent: Resources

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) represent the pinnacle of accredited healthcare professionals with a specialisation in lactation. In the realm of Private Practice, many of our IBCLC members extend their support through convenient home visits and online consultations. There are many antenatal educators, antenatal support with breastfeeding can assist you on your breastfeeding journey. An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) provides breastfeeding support and research based information. There are many IBCLC’s in private practice in Ireland. They offer antenatal and postnatal support. This support many be available in the parent(s) home. Find a Lactation Consultant

International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are the highest accredited healthcare professionals specialising in lactation. The HSE provides free access to IBCLCs through many maternity units and the Public Health Nurse network. Please contact your maternity hospital to enquire what breastfeeding antenatal support is available to you. Find HSE Breastfeeding Services Near Me

HSE ‘My child’ – Breastfeeding: Advice and support on starting breastfeeding and common breastfeeding questions answered. Read more…. If you have any breastfeeding questions or concerns the HSE offer Irish residents access to a lactation consultant (breastfeeding experts) via live chat, or email. Read more… Milk Donation- Human Milk Bank The Western Trust Milk Bank opened in August 2000. The bank also helps babies with major gut or heart problems by providing milk to their home.  Through the generosity of its donors, the milk bank provides very special help for the nation’s most vulnerable babies.  Read more…

  BREASTFEEDING REPOSITORY FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS Dublin North City and County breastfeeding resources breastfeeding in general practice conversations with Stephanie Preissner an e-booklet containing links to evidence based resources and tools that will support healthcare professionals to help families achieve their breastfeeding goals.  

WEBINAR 1: BREASTFEEDING IN GENERAL PRACTICE 1 accomplished writer, director, and actor Stefanie Preissner talks to Marina Cullen (Midwife and IBCLC, Rotunda Hospital) Dr. Sarah O'Connell (GP, Edenpark Medical in North Dublin) and Ailís O'Sullivan (La Leche League Leader and Professional Liaison Officer, IBCLC). They talk about a range of issues including milk supply issues, dealing with pain, baby positioning and mastitis.   WEBINAR 2: MEDICINES AND BREASTFEEDING Stefanie Preissner talks to professor Afif El- Khuffash (Consultant Neonatologist and Paediatrician, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and Laura Dowling (Pharmacist, Fabü Founder, and winner of the prestigious 2022 pharmacist of the year award) about the misconceptions around the use of medications when breastfeeding.   WEBINAR 3: BREASTFEEDING IN GENERAL PRACTICE 2 Stefanie Preissner talks to Stefanie talks to Lisa Carroll (Midwife and IBCLC, Rotunda Hospital) , Fiona Carty (PHN, IBCLC) and Rachel Conway (GP, Nurse and Midwife, IBCLC) about antenatal care, dealing with inhibition about breastfeeding, sharing feeding with partners, how to encourage women to breastfeed, and the use of formula top-ups.  

Support Groups are known to promote, protect and support breastfeeding parents. The following offer support groups in the community. These can be peer lead, healthcare professional lead or mum lead. La Leche League of Ireland is a voluntary organisation which provides information and support to all those who want to breastfeed or give their babies human milk. Cuidiu's motto is education and support for parenthood. This is facilitated through childbirth education, postnatal support, breastfeeding support and at local events. Friends of Breastfeeding provides peer to peer breastfeeding support. They have breastfeeding peer support groups across the country called Mum 2 Mum groups, and one to one support for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers through their Breastfeeding Buddy System HSE: Advice and support on breastfeeding through Public Health Nurse facilitated breastfeeding support groups in communities across the Republic of Ireland and in some cases community Lactation Consultants. Northern Ireland Breastfeeding Information and support links for Northern Ireland AIMs Ireland is a voluntary organisation, formed to highlight and campaign for a greater understanding, acceptance and support for normal birth practices in our country.

The international Code on the Marketing of breastmilk substitutes (WHO CODE) The WHO International Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes was adopted in 1981 by the World Health Assembly (WHA) to promote safe and adequate nutrition for infants, by the protection and promotion of breastfeeding and by ensuring the proper use of breast-milk substitutes, when necessary. ALCI supports the WHO Code and the implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and all subsequent resolutions of the World Health Assembly and heighten the recognition of the consequences of Commercial breastmilk substitutes and advertisements of same. “Breast-milk substitute” means in this context, any food being marketed or otherwise represented as a partial or total replacement for breast milk, whether or not suitable for that purpose. “Complementary food” means any food, suitable as a complement to breast-milk or to infant formula, when either becomes insufficient, to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the infant. May also be called “weaning food” or “breast-milk supplement”. The aim of the CODE is to contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants, by the protection and promotion of breast-feeding and by ensuring the proper use of breastmilk substitutes, when these are necessary, on the basis of adequate information and through appropriate marketing and distribution. The CODE applies to the marketing and practices related to the following products: breast-milk substitutes, including infant formula, other milk products, foods and beverages including bottle-fed complementary foods, when marketed or otherwise represented to be suitable, for use as a partial or total replacement of breast-milk. It also applies to feeding bottles and teats, their quality and availability and to the information concerning their use. HSE: Working within the Code The WHO Code of Marketing of Breast milk substitutes Fact sheet for Health care professionals

BFLGI advocate for protection of infant and maternal health through the strengthening of Irish legislation, regulations, guidance and policies to bring them in line with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk substitutes (WHO CODE) and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly Resolutions. BFLGI monitor the advertising, marketing and promotional activities of the above. They challenge activities that mislead or fail to comply with agreed marketing standards. They work collaboratively with other like minded organisations and represent Ireland as a member of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN). To report a Code Violation, simply fill out the report found by clicking here.