ELACTA Conference 2024 Overview

It was with great pleasure I attended the 13th ELACTA Conference in May representing ALCI along with Colleague Naomi Hurley (ALCI Vice President & ELACTA Rep) and 6 other Irish IBCLC Colleagues.
ELACTA Conference is generally hosted on alternative years with ELACTA CERPS international event

Kate Birchall (Australia) Shel Banks (UK) Mairead O Sullivan ALCI President, Dianne Haworth (Australia LCANZ President) Naomi Hurley (ALCI Vice President / ELACTA Rep) Carmen Murphy (Limerick Maternity Hospital)
Day 1
Day 1 of the conference was scheduled as a workshop day when attendees pre booked their slots in a variety of workshops which covered a variety of topics, workshops were facilitated in German, English and French. While my colleague Naomi attended the German spoken workshop I attended the morning 2 part workshop on Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restriction, Do we have more options than laser or cutting? The facilitators did their best to keep the workshop engaging and less like a lecture feel with attendees been encouraged to look at their own suckling methods (using a carrot... great laughs and realisations had by all with this simple task) the opportunity to practice examination of potential restrictions was also facilitated along with practicing some of the facial oral exercises that the facilitators felt could often be an alternative / additional aid to restriction.
Day 1 continued for me by attending the president's meeting, which was greatly attended by 25+ presidents or representatives from association's. It was a great networking opportunity, especially for those of use newly elected in presidential roles amongst our association's, it allowed appropriate timing for countries to highlight concerns their members have had in recent times as well as things that are going well. There was various discussion about how ELACTA can help their members and associations going forward along with continued discussion on the relevance of recognition for the IBCLC qualification especially amongst some academic and healthcare groups . As all presidents meetings are generally hosted virtually to be able to have this meeting in person was considered to be extremely beneficial for all, New proposed members of the ELACTA board were also introduced to the group as part of this meeting and the editorial group for L&B also came to discuss the magazine and its benefits with the presidents and although it very much over ran on time all issues that were discussed required this time. As the president's meeting was in the afternoon, attending workshop 2 unfortunately was not an option for me.

Mairead O Sullivan attending ELACTA President's Meeting amongst other Association Presidents
Day 2 and Day 3
Day 2 and 3 of the Conference were filled with a wide variety of presentations, The opening speaker Sam Geuens discussing sexual experiences during breastfeeding, had the task to wake everyone up and get them interested in what lay ahead for the following 2 days, however that shouldn't have been a concern as speaker topics were extremely varied and over the 2 days there really was something for everyone with them for conference 2024 "The Power of Connecting" very much highlighted throughout all the speakers presentations. It didn't matter where your area of expertise for lactation was, as there really was something to get everyone thinking, from the research science of lactation to the clinical skills encountered in various scenarios.
During the conference days there was a wide variety of exhibitors with items on display, this also allowed for great networking opportunities as lunch and refreshments were also hosted within this area.

Namoi Hurley (ALCI Vice President), Mihaela Nita (ELACTA President), Mairead O Sullivan (ALCI President)
Overall it was a very enjoyable event which I returned from feeling very enriched and delighted to have had the opportunity to network with colleagues from so many other countries in Europe and internationally - it is almost unfortunate that this event only takes place every 2 years however I must say congratulations and thank you to the ELACTA Board as we know it is no easy task to organise a conference for such a large group, where they really did try to get as much in as possible in the time they had.
Overall this was a very pleasant trip by myself and colleagues in attendance and I would say to anyone who perhaps hasn't attended a European Lactation conference if you can add it to the list if you can. Those of you who joined as ELACTA members this year the take home message I got from the ELACTA board and the Lactation & Breastfeeding journal editorial group is to encourage you to engage with them as much as possible their maybe other benefits to your ELACTA membership which you do not realise you have. Any queries regard access the magazine should be directed directly to L&B email: [email protected] .
Thank you again to ALCI members for giving me this opportunity as ALCI President to attend ELACTA Conference 2024.

Irish IBCLC's at ELACTA: Fiona Rae, Regina Kinecad, Naomi Hurley, Ger Baldwin, Sue Jameson, Mairead O Sullivan, Nicola Clarke & Carmen Murphy
Complied by: Mairead O'Sullivan, IBCLC
Dated: 10th June 2024.
Mairead received a complementary President's ticket to attend the Conference, and all her expenses were paid by ALCI. ALCI Council would like to thank Mairead for her report.