When should you refer to a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)?
Parents should be directed to a lactation consultant (IBCLC) for breastfeeding management issues.
Below are examples of breastfeeding management issues that ALCI advise that a Lactation Consultant is consulted with to support, promote and protect breastfeeding:
- Latching problems,
- Supplementation and breastfeeding
- Managing tongue tie
- Medication and Lactation
- Mastitis
- Over supply
- Low milk supply
- Faltering growth /Slow weight gain in the breastfeeding infant
- sore/cracked nipples,
- Exclusive Pumping (EBM),
- Re-lactation,
- Breastfeeding and back to work,
- Breastfeeding while pregnant,
- Weaning from breastfeeding.
You will also find information on finding and verifying the qualifications of any Lactation Consultant listed on this website.
Lactation Consultant Directory
This list is only inclusive of IBCLC’s who opted to have their details on the ALCI website.
Each IBCLC is responsible to meet the standards set by IBCLE
IBCLE Codes and Scope for Practice
IBCLCs must adhere to a Code of Ethics and work within professional Standards / Scope of Practice. They are required to keep their knowledge and skills current, and must recertify every 5 years through continuing education or re-examination to remain registered.
Code of Professional Conduct for IBCLC’s
Scope of Practice for IBCLC’s
IBCLC Qualification Verification Link
Click on this link to be redirected to the international public registry of IBCLCs to verify IBCLC qualification
Disclaimer and Complaints
All International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) are accredited by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) which is the governing and regulatory body for IBCLCs. The Association of Lactation Consultants Ireland (ALCI) does not investigate complaints against IBCLCs and does not make judgements about individual IBCLCs. By providing contact details for its members, ALCI does not endorse any individual IBCLC.
Complaints about your IBCLC should be addressed to IBLCE. View the IBLCE complaints process by accessing http://iblce.org/resources/disciplinary-procedures and complete a complaint form.